Welcome & a warm aloha from Hawaii! I'm Jan Gault and I very much appreciate you visiting my site. Here are a few sample empowerment & prosperity tools that you can download FREE.


START LIVING YOUR DREAMS NOW with free prosperity tools.

The Mighty Power of Your Beliefs. Sign up, then download the first 3 chapters of this popular book to start learning how you can transform limiting beliefs into more empowering beliefs. Take a step today toward living your dreams! Or purchase the paperback edition from Amazon.com at a discount! Click below to watch video about book.

starThe Mighty Power of Your Beliefs by Dr. Jan...Book Video. 2 min.35 sec.

Take Charge of Your Life! "Stop Procrastination" and other articles to help you take back your time & life. A compilation of columns by Dr. Jan Gault reprinted from Time Warner-Oceanic Around Hawaii.

Motivational Messages for Miracle Moments. Contains over 150 uplifting & motivational quotes...divided into 7 sections including Dreams, Creativity, & Abundance. To get your Ebook immediately for only $2.85 order from PayPal:

Or click here to purchase in paperback for $11.97. Makes a great gift!

Also click on the links below for a few of the free sample handouts from my Empowerment & Prosperity Practice. You are welcome to save them to your computer, print out & forward to your friends & family.
Positive Change Tip...Do your workout with positive beliefs to accelerate the change process.

Personal Empowerment & Prosperity Beliefs. Which beliefs do you hold?

Choices for a Better Life & World...12 empowerment choices. Read over daily to stay on the path of prosperity.

*How Do Successful People Who Believe in Themselves & Others Act? Use this as a handy change guide for your own daily routine and habit patterns. On a scale from 1 to 10, rate yourself on each and make a choice to move toward positive change.

Download my free gifts to you now and start living your dreams.

*Your privacy is important! Information is never sold or shared with others.

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"The Mighty Power of Your Beliefs gives you the ammunition to knock out self-defeating belief baggage and replace it with those mind tools leading to a richer more rewarding life.”
~Terry M. Roland, President,
International Business Centers, Inc.

Dream The Life & World You Desire Then Create It!

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