Abundance Consultations

“Dream the Life & World You Desire, Then Create It!”



·         Smarter Choices That Empower You & Your Community!  Less procrastination, more decisiveness. Live an abundant lifestyle.

·         Enhanced Energy & Zest!  Become more focused, waste less time; learn how to relax even under the stressors & demands of daily living.

·         Live Your Passion!  Align your actions with your heartfelt desires and dreams. Put more meaning into your life and the lives of others.



*  How to shape your time for the lifestyle you truly desire

*  Tap into the vision of your heart

*  Knock out toxic time-wasters and limiting beliefs that are robbing you of happiness

*  Overcome doubts, discouragements & disappointments

*  Twelve actions you can begin taking now for more abundant living


Learn Cutting Edge Strategies for Abundance & Joyful Living!


Initial Consultation Free!

Email or Phone Dr. Jan Today for Information

 jan72b.tifJan L. Gault, Ph.D., is a social psychologist, university instructor, creative time specialist, and the author of seven books including 5 Minutes A Day Dream- Action Path; Free Time—Making Your Leisure Count (Wiley & Sons); & The Mighty Power of your Beliefs...Dream, Believe, Prosper!   Jan has devoted over fifteen years educating & empowering people to live richer, more rewarding lives. 


WHAT I BELIEVE:  We live in an interdependent world & need to live our lives as global citizens,  aware of the mighty impact of our choices.  My private consultations and seminars are for persons who want to cultivate a greater sense of meaning in their lives and make a difference in the community and world.  I focus on discretionary time use for abundance and joyful living.  Emphasis is on a Holistic Wellness Model of behavior, targeting all the vital dimensions of your nonwork time—relationships, creative outlets, entrepreneurial projects, physical and fiscal fitness.


Jan Gault International©

  • #2701 Palani Rd., Kailua-Kona, HI 96745  Telephone 808-294-4120

Email: prosper@drjan.net ☼Website: http://www.drjan.net & Click here for free abundance tools






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