“Messages to Inspire, Motivate & Empower"

Jan Gault International©

Jan’s Newest Book—

Be Inspired, Gain Insights, Act to Make a Difference!

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If You Want To Help Create a

Better World, Read On…





“We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean.  But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.”

~Mother Teresa


...Be inspired and empowered with thought-provoking quotations by such splendid minds as Albert Einstein, Mohandas Gandhi, Helen Keller, Aristotle, Albert Schweitzer & Mother Teresa!


...Ponder questions and learn how you can apply the quote’s wisdom to improving the world. Questions are a powerful catalyst for change!


On every page of this book you will learn simple, everyday actions you can take to make a difference in the world! Actions that won’t infringe on your time & daily routine.


Buy Now From Amazon.com and Save!

Great Gift Book! Available in Hard Copy also.





Week 1

A Richer Understanding

Week  2

An Expanded Global Perspective

Harmonious Living

Week  3

Education for an Interdependent World

Week  4

Cultivating a World Conscience

Sharing the Responsibility

Week  5

Service to Others

Week  6

Improving the World Through Better Thinking & Beliefs

Week  7

Empowered Change

Week 8

Celebration of Diversity

Week Nine

Peaceful Co-existence

Week 10

You Make the Difference



75 Actions You Can Start Taking Today!


Buy Now!

About Jan Gault…


Jan L. Gault, Ph.D., is a social psychologist, university instructor, creative time specialist, and the author of six books including The Mighty Power of your Beliefs…Dream, Believe, Prosper, and  Free Time—Making Your Leisure Count (John Wiley & Sons).


Jan’s programs, seminars and lectures have been presented to a wide range of business and professional organizations worldwide. She has been featured on over 200 radio/television networks and media including Glamour Magazine, Bottom Line Personal, San Francisco Business Journal, Christian Science Monitor and the Fedco Reporter among others.


Dr. Jan lives in Hawaii where she teaches university classes in psychology and has a private practice specializing in personal-global empowerment and better living.

Jan Gault International©

Kona, Hawaii 96745

Ph. 808-294-4120




Text Box: “Let us be inspired that vital global change is possible, ponder in our hearts what we can do, and then act.”
~Jan Gault

  *Music by Kevin MacLeod

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