Platinum Package


The Platinum Package is for individuals who want to create more meaning and miracle moments in their life and in the life of others.  It targets three areas:


●Spiritual Wisdom

●An Expanded Global Vision

●Miracle Moments—Becoming a Co-Creator with the Universe

   for Abundance & Prosperity


*Spiritual Wisdom

Tap into Universal Knowledge to live your life in accord with the essence of life: Abundance, Kindness, Reverence for Life, Beauty & Creativity.   Our deeper wisdom guides us in our unique creative process and purpose. 


*An Expanded Global Vision

Expand your personal vision to all humanity for peaceful co-existence, compassion, justice and prosperity.  As each of us keep our vision alive for a better world, it will trigger the concerted efforts and actions necessary for its manifestation.


* Miracle MomentsBecoming a Co-Creator for Abundance & Prosperity Displace belief barriers that threaten peaceful co-existence and prosperity for all.  An action plan for playing out your new world vision in daily choices and actions.  As you displace flawed beliefs with more enlightened beliefs, you become a dynamic force in personal-global change.  And as you offer your special gift to the Universe, you experience more miracle moments in your life.


Jan Gault International® * 808-294-4120 *