[Book Cover]

5 Quick Actions You Can Take for Greater Abundance in Your Life & the World

"Prosper by helping others Prosper!"

1. Close your eyes and picture the life of abundance you desire. Focus on this vision in your mind's eye throughout the day while commuting, doing chores, and bathing. The deeper your focus, the greater the energy strength, and the faster it will manifest.

2. Believe in your vision! Believe in your power to make it a reality. Shift from doubts to do's: You can live the life for which you were intended--a life rich with joy, meaning and abundance.

3. Take action in the direction of your dream and vision for a better life and world.
Start by helping those less fortunate. Sign the One Declaration to help fight global AIDS and extreme poverty. www.one.org

4. Empower your global neighbors to become economically independent, improve their standard of living, and alleviate poverty for themselves and their communities. Register at www.kiva.org

5. Improve your vocabulary and donate rice free through the UN to help end world hunger. www.freerice.com